Call for Papers for Journals/Conferences:

The Call for Papers website is maintained by the University of Pennsylvania where literature and humanities calls for papers are posted. They are organized by discipline and include events, publications, conferences, and so on.  

Aerogramme Writers’ Studio

Established as well as emerging writers can find news and resources on the Aerogramme Writers’ Studio. These include writing tips, residency and prize announcements, publication opportunities, and more. 

H-Net [Humanities and Social Sciences Resources]:

H-Net is an open access platform for scholars in the field of humanities and social sciences. It’s services include a Book Channel for announcements about the latest books in a field, H-Net Reviews for professional book reviews, H-Net Journals for open access, peer-reviewed, academic content, H-Net Commons that offers a content management platform for various online communities, H-Announce for announcements about events, calls for papers, conferences, funding, and so on, and finally, H-Net Job Guide.


With more than 30,000 Nazms and Ghazals of about 2500 Urdu poets, Rekhta is the largest digital repository of Urdu poetry. Upcoming Urdu poets can also showcase their work here.